
Link Alternatif Fortunabola - A Historical Novel About a Marriage


The most popular representation of the Black and White Dragon Sita in the Periyar festival is Link Alternatif Fortuna or Link to the Sun God, by Situs Judi. Situs Judi's wife was Fuco Presto who had also been the mentor of some of the most celebrated authors of our time. She wrote a novel entitled The Princess of Lanka and she used the Noh theater as a setting. Fuco Presto had converted to Christianity and was actively involved with the community in her old village of Yayamakom. Her novels are set in the rural setting of her times, which is interesting considering that many of today's writers are generally more urban. She is an exemplary role model for women of her times, who strived to be enlightened and responsible toward her community.

As in Feng Shui, Link Alternatif Fortunabola Resmi Yang has the power to bring good fortune to those who are blessed to receive it. Fuco Presto had twelve children and a large household of servants and house cleaning duties. Her writings portray her as a very loving and dutiful wife who devoted herself completely to her family. However, one cannot overlook her role as a formidable and respected educator who brought much knowledge and learning to her community. Her books are some of the most comprehensive works on the art of reading and Feng Shui.

In her first novel, The Princess of Lanka, Fuco Presto discovers that a black stone called Para Pemain Yang has magical properties. When she boards a ship to go back home to Sri Lanka, she is attacked by pirates. She survives the attack and returns with her husband, who dies at sea. With the help of her sister, Magda, Fuco sets sail for Sri Lanka where she recites passages from a book in Italian to win back her husband. Although she meets and marries another man, she decides to stick with her philosophy of love and marriage to achieve inner happiness.

She is very disappointed when her efforts to win back her husband fail and she marries a wealthy man. However, when the ship they are travelling on crashes, Fuco's maid finds the mysterious Para Pemain Yang, the owner of the data as well as the gem. The gem has magical properties and Fuco must learn how to recite the incantation to awaken the sleeping god of her son, Dan, whom she has named after him. As the magic of the data begins to affect her life, she realizes that the man she married was not all his fault.

Link Alternatif Fortunabola follows the path followed by most other Jaga legends. However, the true nature of this legend is not told in this novel because the focus is on the rituals performed by the couple after their marriage. These rituals, performed by the maid, result in the restoration of their marital bond and end their marital separation. The result of these rituals also leads to the birth of a child named Dan who becomes the hero of the story.

While reading the novel, one must be aware that the term "Pulsa" is derived from the Greek word "PAVLOS" which means pulse. In fact, the word PermaNelis, the original root words of both worlds, is pronounced as "PuraNelIS". The modern day translators have however retained the original pronunciation of the word, even though they have altered the spelling. The meaning of the PermaNelis origin story in Link Alternatif Fortunabola therefore becomes an important part of the novel and is definitely worth the read.


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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