
What is Garderobe?

Garderobe is a small room that has many different uses. They have become part of the icon of medieval architecture. Many castles display this in their architecture. However, the original concept is to make the urinal carved to the floor. Then, the designer adapted the idea and made these small rooms into a more practical and comfortable space for people who live in the castle. Often these rooms function as rooms, but they can also be used as a way to store items.

During the Middle Ages, the nobles had a private toilet. Henry II is reported to have one in Dover Castle. Most castles have secrets under the Garderobe where waste can fall. It is common for the nobles to have a 'groom' as a servant responsible for cleaning the bottom of the royal toilet. That means that 'groom' Garderobe will have a job to make experience more comfortable for royal families.

The Esstisch Garderobe was originally a French term which means "room" to store clothes. It is a common equipment in medieval home and castle. While technically a room, Garderobe is often expanded to enter secrets. It can be connected to the trench or Cess Pit. When the indoor pipe becomes more common, Garderobe returns to its original function to store valuable items. This means that the name is more flexible than the current meaning.

The term "garderobe" is actually a noun. The noun determines reality. When you hear the word "garage", you might think of medieval toilets. However, this is not the meaning of the term "garage" in modern use. The word "garage" is only an extension of the word "bathroom."

Garderobe is a room in a castle that has a wardrobe or other storage room for clothes and other items. This might be a bed, dressing room, cabinet, or niche. However, the term can also refer to the room where the owner keeps his property. There are several different ways where you can use the term "Garderobe" to describe the room in a castle.

Garderobe comes as a way for people to take care of clothes and protect themselves from lice. The name "Garderobe" comes from the word French "Garder" which means to be stored. This medieval toilet was originally used to store clothes. The spicy aroma used to repel moths is also the origin of the word modern "wardrobe." Other Garderobe names include Privy, Jakes, and Draft. Garderobe is usually cleaned by gong farmers.


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